Mission Statement of the Waterloo Local Schools

Waterloo Local School District, in cooperation with our families and community, cultivates academic excellence through high quality instruction and experience-based learning connecting students’ lives to their futures.

Waterloo Belief Statements:

1. We believe that cooperating with our families and community is essential in providing our students with a high quality education.

2. We believe in providing a safe and nurturing environment that enhances the physical, social, and emotional development of each child.

3. We believe in offering innovative instruction.

Welcome from Superintendent Joe Clark

I am honored to join Waterloo Local Schools as the new Superintendent.

My career in education started as a high school English teacher for 6 years, five of those at Springfield Local Schools. I then moved to Barberton City Schools where I held leadership positions for 9 years, including roles as a high school assistant principal and middle school principal, personnel director, and assistant superintendent. I then transitioned to Kent City Schools, where I served as assistant superintendent for 2 years while working on my doctoral degree at Kent State University.  

I next moved to the Nordonia Hills City Schools, serving as assistant superintendent for 2 years, and superintendent for 12 years. I am proud to have been the longest tenured superintendent in Nordonia’s history. 

My most recent experience has been at Westerville City Schools near Columbus, where I led a district of 15,000 students and over 2,000 faculty/staff across 24 schools. It is great to be back home in Northeast Ohio.

In addition to my administrative roles, I have been actively engaged in higher education as a Professor at American College of Education, specializing in Educational Leadership. I hold a B.A. in English, and M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees in K-12 Leadership, all from Kent State University. 

I am a the youngest of 11 children, and a graduate of Tallmadge High School. My wife, Amie, and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this summer. We have two adult sons--Isaac (married to Kristen) and Matthew (engaged to Christina)--as well as a grandson named Cameron and a beagle/bulldog hybrid named Frankie.

I am excited to collaborate with the Waterloo community, staff, students, and families to continue pursuing our mission of cultivating academic excellence through high quality instruction and experience-based learning, connecting students’ lives to their futures. Go Vikings!

Joe Clark, Ph.D.


Waterloo Local Schools


URGENT need to hire  bus drivers.  

Please call Tim Fox at 330-947-3104 or email tfox@waterloovikings.org for more information.  

Minimal cost to applicant to obtain your CDL - we train onsite.

Weekly Update

Waterloo Illness/Attendance Monitoring

As a precaution, we are monitoring the symptoms of our students and staff daily.  Thanks to great effort, from our families and staff, home health screenings are keeping most sick individuals at home.  However, there are instances when individuals may become ill while here at school.

The following spreadsheet represents students who were sent home ill during the school day for the month.

District Announcements

(Click the arrow to Expand)


Waterloo is looking for enthusiastic, friendly, and dedicated Substitute Teachers and Substitute Classroom Aides/Paraprofessionals. We have partnered with Summit Educational Service Center to facilitate the application process. All interested parties should click the link below that applies to the position you are seeking within our district.


Click HERE to apply for Substitute Teaching.

Click HERE to apply for Substitute Classroom Aide/Paraprofessional.

First a huge thank you to the stadium committee and all of the volunteers the progress on the stadium has been amazing and will be such a benefit to not only our district but our entire community.  

Secondly thank you to Jason Anderson who donated both personally and through Serpentini Medina and Serpentini Orrville to cover the pay to play costs for all fall athletes.  Thank you for such an amazing and generous donation. 

If you are the parent of a HS senior planning to attend college next year, you should fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid.) 

You should complete the FAFSA even if you're convinced that you won't qualify for any aid. (Unless you are fortunate enough to have the funds on hand to pay for all four years of undergraduate education for your child.)

The FAFSA opens on October 1st. While you don't need to complete it that day, you'll put your child in the best position to receive grants, loans and work study opportunities (any of which you may decline) if you fill it out in the first week or two of October.

What confuses some families is that PRIOR to completing the FAFSA you must apply for and receive a FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID. Both a parent/guardian AND the student applying to school must EACH request an ID individually. 

The turnaround time between requesting an ID and receiving one is about 3 days, so requesting one sooner rather than later is advisable.


Downloadable PDF form : Medication request form for over the counter and prescribed medication including cough drops to be given at school. To be signed by a physician.

Federal Court Instructs Ohio Districts to Post Information for Parents Concerning Data Release

A U.S. District Court has ordered that 2013-2014 school year records from the Ohio Department of Education’s Educational Management Information System be turned over to Disability Rights Ohio as part of an ongoing lawsuit.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, families of students whose data will be released must be notified and given the opportunity to object. The court is instructing all local education agencies to post notice about this opportunity to object on their district websites and in a central location, accessible to the public, in each building that is open to the public.

A copy of the notice – which includes instructions on how parents may object to the data release – can be found HERE. The court must receive objections no later than Sept. 12.

Students' names, addresses and social security numbers are not part of the information to be released. Ohio is one of only three states that do not allow their departments of education to collect this data, to protect student privacy.

Data to be released for each student include student ID number, school name, grade, gender, race, age and disability category. The records also reveal student performance on the state’s Ohio Achievement Assessments and Ohio Graduation Tests, as well as tests related to Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Guarantee. Student suspensions and expulsions also are listed.

The data is subject to a protective order, which means Disability Rights Ohio cannot publicize it.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please contact the Ohio Department of Education’s legal office at (614) 466-4705 if you have questions.