Waterloo - Bullying Hotline

We can’t fix problems we don’t know about and many bullying problems are often unseen by educators…until it’s too late.

Countless research studies have shown that most young people are afraid to tell parents and school leaders about personal problems from bullying to sexting, suicidal thoughts, and beyond. They may be fearful of retaliation from classmates, afraid of being ostracized by their peer group, fear that they will get in trouble themselves, or simply believe that nothing will be done to fix the problems.

We here at Waterloo believe strongly that students need a way to tell someone if something unfortunate is happening to them. That is why we set up our Bullying Hotline. This number provides students with the ability to report anything they feel is a threat to themselves or others. The hotline is reviewed daily and reports are investigated immediately. If you or your student(s) feel the need to report a concern you have please call:
